Kingsport Press Strike
Group of people holding “On Strike” posters.
One of the nation’s longest strikes occurred at Kingsport Press from March 11, 1963, continuing into the spring of 1967. National union officials and federal labor mediators were unable to resolve the situation, and as negotiations broke down, picket lines went up, accompanied by vandalism and violence. In 1964 over five thousand people applied for press jobs, and by April 28, 1967, both new and returning company employees rejected the unions.
Photographer: Thomas McNeer, Jr.
Date Taken: 1963
Collection(s): Thomas McNeer, Jr. Collection, 1945-1988
ID#: 7-63
Rights: Use of this image is governed by U.S. and international copyright laws. Image is property of the Archives of the City of Kingsport. High-resolution versions are available from the Archives in most instances.