Howard Duckett Printers and Dixie Maid Bakery

Exterior view of the corner of Dixie Maid Baking Company, located at 201 Cherokee Street, and Howard Duckett Company, located at 206 East Charlemont Avenue. Dixie Maid Company sold retail and wholesale baked goods. The business was owned by Lee R. Drury and Denzil S. Sample. Howard Duckett Company provided publishing, printing, and lithography services and sold labels and office and factory forms. The company manager was Howard T. Watson; Mrs. Jo H. Fuller was the company president and treasurer.

Photographer: McNeer, Thomas Jr.

Date Taken: 1946


ID#: 559-46


Rights: Use of this image is governed by U.S. and international copyright laws. Image is property of the Archives of the City of Kingsport. High-resolution versions are available from the Archives in most instances.