Genevieve Shivell
Genevieve Shivell and her husband H.J. moved from Michigan to Kingsport in 1919. Genevieve Shivell helped create the Kingsport Book Club, the forerunner of the Kingsport Public Library. After the Book Club ceded its collection to the City in 1929, Genevieve Shivell became a charter member of the new Library Board. She continued her affiliation with the Library for 42 years. Today, the children’s department of the library bears her name.
Photographer: Thomas McNeer, Jr.
Date Taken: 1962
Collection(s): Thomas McNeer, Jr. Collection, 1945-1988
ID#: 6412-62
Rights: Use of this image is governed by U.S. and international copyright laws. Image is property of the Archives of the City of Kingsport. High-resolution versions are available from the Archives in most instances.