Civilian Conservation Corps Photographs, mid 1930s
KC Manuscript Collection 252
This is a collection of photographs from the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp in Hampton, Tennessee. The camp was Company 1456 C.C.C. F-6. Images show workers in various group pictures (including one panoramic view measuring 8×28 inches), winter scenes, building projects, camp facilities, and a fire tower. Although the men are unidentified, one of the people that worked in the camp was Ernest Glenn Crowell, an out-of-work general studies teacher. Following his stint with the CCC, Crowell eventually taught school in Fayetteville, NC prior to spending a couple decades working for the postal service. This camp was under Commanding Officer Captain H.E. Stout of the 321st Infantry. H.C. Litton was Project Superintendent. The large panoramic image was taken by a company out of Detroit called Spencer & Wyckoff.
There are no restrictions on use of this collection for research purposes. The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.
This collection should be cited as:
Civilian Conservation Corps Photographs, mid 1930s. KC Manuscript Collection 252, Archives of the City of Kingsport, Tennessee.
James S. Crowell donated this collection in February 2004.
Jeff A. Jenson processed the collection and developed the finding aid in August 2007. Brianne Johnson revised the finding aid in May 2008.
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.)–Tennessee–Hampton–Pictorial works.
1. Snapshots (28 images), mid 1930s
1. Panoramic View, mid 1930s