Dobyns-Bennett High School
1947 Senior Dramatic Club.
First Row: Jimmy West, Bob Horton, Charles Robinson, John Billington
Second Row: Dorothy Smoot, Mildred Stelling, Louise Danielson, Mary Faith Carson, Billie Blalock, Betty Hicks, Joann Falin, Carolyn Hoge, Phyllis Hampton, Louise Gilbreath, Mary Ellen Swecker, Lucille Danielson, Thelma Clark.
Photographer: Thomas McNeer, Jr.
Date Taken: 1946
Collection(s): Thomas McNeer, Jr. Collection, 1945-1988
ID#: 1642-46
Rights: Use of this image is governed by U.S. and international copyright laws. Image is property of the Archives of the City of Kingsport. High-resolution versions are available from the Archives in most instances.